Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What's So Rational about Fractions?

When I think about the word “rational”, I have to tell you that “fractions” does not automatically pop into my head.  Nevertheless, fractions are considered to be “rational numbers.”  I have to admit that I have always sort of thought of the rational numbers as the ones they threw into the system to mess us all up!  However, when I really look at fractions and how much we use them in our day to day lives, I would have to say that, yes, they are rational.  Another word for rational, according to my Thesaurus, is “balanced”.  This is a good way to look at fractions.  They help to balance out the system.  What if there was no such thing as a fraction?  Well, some math operations might be easier, but how would we break wholes into parts?  Having fractions to represent parts of whole numbers helps to keep the number system all in balance!  That is very rational.

How do I feel about fractions?  Well, it’s complicated…
The word rational may mean balanced, but it definitely does not mean simple!  If you are not a person who has to worry about doing operations with fractions  on a regular basis, then it sure is easy to forget exactly what they are.  When I haven’t had to deal with a fraction for a while, I really have to think about how to add, subtract, multiply or divide them. 

“Do the denominators have to be the same for this one?”  “Am I just working with the numerator?”  “Do I work this one across?”  “Is this the one where I make an x?”  “Which ones do I have to flip?”    
Wow!  This seems so complicated! 

Making complicated relevant…
How do you teach students all of these complicated concepts so that they will stay with them?  I think you have to make it relevant to their lives.  We use fractions every day when we measure, use money, cook, or divide anything up into parts.  Using some of these things to help teach fractions will make it more meaningful to students. 

Another thing that can help to make fractions more relevant is to make learning operations that are complicated more fun by using manipulatives, games, videos, songs, jokes or rhymes (all things that kids enjoy).  Here are some fun things I found for teaching fractions…
And a song...

And a wacky but memorable way of doing fractions...

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