Sunday, July 21, 2013

Times Are A Changing!

It is interesting to me how many times I have heard voiced over the last couple of years the following words:  “That’s not how I learned math!”  As a parent, I have said these words myself (many times).  I have heard other parents say them.  I have heard fellow students say them during discussions in my current math classes.  I have even heard other teachers say them, when I have been subbing at the local elementary school.  Something has changed about math.

Gone are the days…

Math has come a long way from the days when we just plunked a math book down in front of a student and taught them the one way to do their math problems!  Gone are the days when students sat at their desks for the whole math lesson and listened to the teacher impart knowledge (whether they got it or not).  The days when all students were expected to reach a solution to the problem in exactly the same way.  The days when if you didn’t get it, you had to conclude that you were just not good at math. 

That was me.  I always thought that I just really stank at math!  Hours of trying to memorize multiplication tables and days of being pulled in during recess to work on math when I was in elementary school only did one thing for me…it made me really hate math!  Now, I have to wonder if I had been shown more than one way of doing it, if it would have made a difference in how I viewed math. 
We aren’t all the same…

 Not all students are the same.  Not all students look at math in the same way.  Not all students learn the same way.  So, why would we expect them all to “get it” if we only show it to them in one way?    According to Howard Gardner there are Multiple Intelligences .  Students usually have an inclination towards learning based on which intelligence comes more naturally to them.  Here is a short video to describe the types of intelligences and how they impact learning.

What’s different?
Math has changed to focus on giving every student the opportunity to learn in a way that works for them.  Students are introduced to many different methods of solving problems and are able to choose a method that works well for them.  In addition, they are not just given the how but also focus on the why.  Math has become more interactive.  Students may be working in pairs or groups on problems.  They are using manipulatives to help them in problem solving.  They are using technology to help prepare them for their future. 
Here are a couple of articles about the changes that have taken place in math class:

How Has Math Changed Since You Were In School?
What Does Effective Mathematics Instruction Look Like?

Here is a slide show to help dispel some of the myths surrounding these changes.

Why Has Mathematics Instruction Changed? Myths & Facts
There are many things that are not done the same way anymore as when I first learned them.  This does not mean they are being done wrong today, just that they are being done differently or have advanced.  This is not the way that I learned math!”  However, when I think about the strides that have been taken in technology and the greater resources available to teachers today, I have to wonder why we would ever expect math class not to change.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What's So Rational about Fractions?

When I think about the word “rational”, I have to tell you that “fractions” does not automatically pop into my head.  Nevertheless, fractions are considered to be “rational numbers.”  I have to admit that I have always sort of thought of the rational numbers as the ones they threw into the system to mess us all up!  However, when I really look at fractions and how much we use them in our day to day lives, I would have to say that, yes, they are rational.  Another word for rational, according to my Thesaurus, is “balanced”.  This is a good way to look at fractions.  They help to balance out the system.  What if there was no such thing as a fraction?  Well, some math operations might be easier, but how would we break wholes into parts?  Having fractions to represent parts of whole numbers helps to keep the number system all in balance!  That is very rational.

How do I feel about fractions?  Well, it’s complicated…
The word rational may mean balanced, but it definitely does not mean simple!  If you are not a person who has to worry about doing operations with fractions  on a regular basis, then it sure is easy to forget exactly what they are.  When I haven’t had to deal with a fraction for a while, I really have to think about how to add, subtract, multiply or divide them. 

“Do the denominators have to be the same for this one?”  “Am I just working with the numerator?”  “Do I work this one across?”  “Is this the one where I make an x?”  “Which ones do I have to flip?”    
Wow!  This seems so complicated! 

Making complicated relevant…
How do you teach students all of these complicated concepts so that they will stay with them?  I think you have to make it relevant to their lives.  We use fractions every day when we measure, use money, cook, or divide anything up into parts.  Using some of these things to help teach fractions will make it more meaningful to students. 

Another thing that can help to make fractions more relevant is to make learning operations that are complicated more fun by using manipulatives, games, videos, songs, jokes or rhymes (all things that kids enjoy).  Here are some fun things I found for teaching fractions…
And a song...

And a wacky but memorable way of doing fractions...

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Fretful about Factorization!

Prime factorization!  Those two words have always caused me some anxiety and a bit of nail biting.  So, when I saw that we were covering this topic in my Math for Elementary Teachers class, I was a little nervous.  After all, it has been quite a while since I really looked at factoring numbers.  However, I am happy to say that I made it through with my nails still intact and a much better understanding of prime factorization.
What’s so bad about prime factorization?

I had to ask myself this question as I started looking at prime factorization again.  Why all the anxiety over a few little numbers?  At some point in my past I must have had a bad experience with prime numbers.  Or, maybe it is just the word, “factorization”, that seems so daunting to me.  Either way, I found out that it is not as complicated as it sounds!  As a matter of fact, I almost would go so far as to say…I actually enjoyed it.

How does it work?
Prime factorization is basically breaking a number down to its prime factors.  A prime number is one that only has two factors, 1 and itself.  For example, the number 7 only has factors of 1 and 7.  No other numbers can be multiplied together to make 7. So, 7 is a prime number.  The first five prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7 and 11. 
If I am going to find the prime factorization of the number 84, I start by dividing it by the lowest prime number that can go into it.  If I am not sure of what the lowest prime is that can go into 84, then I can use the rules of divisibility to help me find it.  I know that 84 can be divided by 2 and that 2x42=84.  Now I move on to find the lowest prime number that can go into 42.  This would be 2 again and 2x21=42.  Now I need to find the lowest prime number that goes into 21.  This would be 3 and 3x7=21.  Since 3 and 7 are both prime numbers, I can divide no further.   I end up with the prime factorization for 84 being 2x2x3x7.   Here is a video which shows how to use a factor tree  to find the prime factorization of 84.

Here is a math manipulative that can be used to practice making factor trees and finding the prime factorization of numbers:
 Factor Tree Manipulative

Why is prime factorization necessary?
Prime factorization is a great resource to use when we need to find the greatest common factor (GCF)  or least common multiple (LCM) of two numbers.  It works especially well if we need to find these things when we are working with large numbers.  Sounds like a topic for another post!  Here are a couple of links to show how we find the GCF and LCM with prime factorization: 

Using prime factorization to find the LCM

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Is Common Better?

I have been reading about the Common Core State Standards Initiative  this week.  What exactly is a Common Core Standard?  Well, it is the effort being led by states to have a single set of educational standards across the United States.  The standards apply to students in Kindergarten through 12th Grade and currently pertain to Math and English Language Arts.  Previously every state has had its own set of unique standards for K-12 education.  Currently 45 states and Washington D.C. have adopted these standards.  The remaining five are Alaska, Minnesota, Nebraska, Virginia and Texas (at the time of this post).   

The basic premise behind having a common set of standards for the whole country is that it will provide consistency in education that will better prepare students for success in their future.  This will in turn contribute to the success of our nation’s future.  This sounds like a really good plan when you first look at it.  However, I have to wonder if making education common is really making it better.
A Few Questions I Am Pondering…
  • What about the cost?  Implementing new educational standards in Math and Language Arts makes old curriculum obsolete.  This means that every school will have to purchase new curriculum.  With the lack of funding to some schools, this is not an easy undertaking.
  • What if the new standards are more rigorous for some states than their old ones?  Students may be starting out behind with the implementation of new standards.  Catching up may be very difficult and confusing.  Causing education to be frustrating for them and not a good experience.
  • What if the new standards are less rigorous for some states than their old ones?  Students may find themselves bored and less engaged with learning.
  • What effect will this transition have on teachers?  Teaching is a very demanding and high-stress profession.  They will have to be the ones to deal with re-vamping their lesson plans, aligning to new standards and finding and incorporating ways to teach the new standards effectively.  This sounds like a daunting task in a field that already has high rates of burn-out.
  • Who is really in control?  The responsibility of education has been a duty of the state.  The Common Core State Standards initiative is said to be led by the states.  However, with the push and incentives offered by federal government to sign up for the initiative, it makes me wonder how much control the states will retain once this goes into effect.
Here is some information that was helpful to me in looking at the pros and cons of Common Core…

Pros And Cons Of The Common Core Standards
Prezi - Pros and Cons of Common Core
Common Core - Arguments for and Against
Does Common = Ordinary?
So, does making it common make it better?  I don’t have an answer to that question!  However, I can say that the word common does not conjure up images of individuality and diversity that we have worked so hard to cultivate in America.  To me, the first thing I think about when I hear the word “common” is ordinary.  As a teacher, I am hoping that the education the students receive in my classroom is as individual as they are and encourages them to go beyond the ordinary to reach their full potential as individuals.  This is my goal, no matter what the standards.